Last Thursday we invited our 30 finalists from July through December into our office for a little get-together and to draw the Dream Vacation winner! It was a lovely event and a great chance to get to know our patients better. We drew some door-prizes, offered tours of the new expansion and had some food and drink.
Lastly, we drew a winner for the Dream Vacation Giveaway. And the winner is: Nick Wagner! Nick and his wife, Molly, were here for the event and are thrilled to have won this prize! While they don't yet know where they are going, we have a hunch that their three little boys might have something to say about it!
Dr. Wilk, Nick Wagner, Molly Wagner and Dr. Dowden! Congrats to the Dream Vacation winners!
Congratulations to Nick and Molly! They were entered into the giveaway because they referred their friends and family to our office, which is the greatest compliment any patient can give us. Thank you to Nick and Molly and to all of our patients. We are truly blessed and honored to serve you!