Sharing Smiles is something that we take very seriously. We try to revisit this mission statement every time we make a decision, hire a new employee and serve our patients. In addition to making this a part of our daily culture here in the office, we try to take it outside of our physical doors and out into our community.
Doesn’t it sound nice to live in a world where everyone is practicing Sharing Smiles?! We think so!
For the last 15 years, Dr. Wilk has been participating in the Guatemala Medical Resources Partnership (GMRP) through the local Hartford Rotary Club. For the last 3 years, additional team members have accompanied Dr. Wilk to be a part of this moving mission trip. This year Laura, Holly P. and Dr. Wilk attended and helped see over 500 dental patients in the makeshift dental clinic in Oliveros, Guatemala. They were able to diagnose and treat dental issues, educate patients on at-home care and leave a lasting impression on the people in Oliveros and surrounding communities. They truly practiced Sharing Smiles every day and made a huge IMPACT!
We wanted to thank our teammates for taking our mission internationally, and share with you a little bit about their story and the story of the GMRP. If you are interested in learning more about GMRP, attending a mission trip or donating to the cause, please visit their website here.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Medical Clinic set-up at school in Oliveros, Guatemala
Inside the dental clinic of the medical mission.
More pictures from the medical mission in Oliveros and Holly and Laura’s time in Antigua!